Contact Harris Environmental Consulting for your on-site wastewater, stormwater, erosion & sediment control or bushfire assessment needs.

02 4236 0954
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        • Subdivisions

        • Whenever a boundary is altered (made smaller or changed) in a residential or rural residential area planning controls for subdivision is required (if two or more existing lots are consolidated this is not considered a subdivision).

        • Rezoning Reports

        • Bushfire Assessments are prepared as part of a rezoning in a bushfire prone area.

        • Infill Development

        • An Infill Development involves new house, alterations and additions in pre-existing subdivisions.

        • Special Fire Protection Purpose Developments

        • Any proposals involving schools, hospitals, bed and breakfast accommodation, eco-tourism, housing for older people, retirement villages, childcare centres, music festivals are considered particularly vulnerable during bushfires and are therefore required to meet some specific requirements. In particular, an emergency/evacuation plan is considered an important component of the strategy to plan for any bushfire risk. The consent authority is the local council but only after the RFS has issued a BUSHFIRE SAFETY AUTHORITY.

        • Complying Development

        • Check your 149 certificate to see if you need a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) risk assessment.

  • Water Cycle Management Studies
  • On-Site Waste Water Management
  • Floating Wetlands
  • Contact

Recent Project: 

Appin Road


This proposal involved a new house built in the new development near Apin. There wasn’t any bushfire vegetation hazard within 100 metres of the proposed dwelling. The BAL certificate identified that this proposal was BAL-LOW which means that the building did not require to comply with any BAL construction.

Appin Road
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on 02 4236 0954
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