Contact Harris Environmental Consulting for your on-site wastewater, stormwater, erosion & sediment control or bushfire assessment needs.

02 4236 0954
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        • Subdivisions

        • Whenever a boundary is altered (made smaller or changed) in a residential or rural residential area planning controls for subdivision is required (if two or more existing lots are consolidated this is not considered a subdivision).

        • Rezoning Reports

        • Bushfire Assessments are prepared as part of a rezoning in a bushfire prone area.

        • Infill Development

        • An Infill Development involves new house, alterations and additions in pre-existing subdivisions.

        • Special Fire Protection Purpose Developments

        • Any proposals involving schools, hospitals, bed and breakfast accommodation, eco-tourism, housing for older people, retirement villages, childcare centres, music festivals are considered particularly vulnerable during bushfires and are therefore required to meet some specific requirements. In particular, an emergency/evacuation plan is considered an important component of the strategy to plan for any bushfire risk. The consent authority is the local council but only after the RFS has issued a BUSHFIRE SAFETY AUTHORITY.

        • Complying Development

        • Check your 149 certificate to see if you need a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) risk assessment.

  • Water Cycle Management Studies
  • On-Site Waste Water Management
  • Floating Wetlands
  • Contact

Kate and Sean are the HEC Principals and lead a team of trained specialists in On-Site Wastewater, Stormwater, Soil and Water Management and Bushfire Hazard Assessment.  They founded HEC after a career in the NSW Soil Conservation Service, working for local government, the private sector, and also as environmental consultants in the UK. With over 30 years of professional experience in these fields, our depth of understanding clients needs, the industry and professional connections ensures our clients are given an outstanding service.

Our Wastewater team of five professionals includes specialists in environmental science and engineering.  The Bushfire team of six trained consultants include environmental scientists and 2 BPAD (FPA) Certified Bushfire Consultants.

The office is equipped with up-to-date GIS, CAD, up to date NEARMAP imagery and other mapping programs. We pride ourselves on presenting complex environmental issues in straightforward formats through plans and simple-to-read reports for our clients.   We also aim to deliver on time and are always available to work through problems to find a solution. A team of our size is ideally placed to provide personal yet professional deliverables, a reliable service and also able to take the time to understand your project's individual needs.

We have worked with over 6000 clients throughout NSW since our establishment in 2002.  No project is too small or large because our flexible capability can manage all sorts of projects within our expertise.  We will never leave you stranded even after the account is settled as we know projects can be ongoing due to change of plans, consent requirements and conflicting issues. We will help you through this process.

Also, sometimes pre-planning advice and preliminary studies can help tease out constraints and issues and to identify the preferred strategy to be applied in the final report.  Our expertise is well placed for early strategic assessments and can serve as a cost-effective intermediate stage for some proposals.

Every good project needs good groundwork. And that’s where Harris Environmental Consulting (HEC) comes in. We not only deliver expertise, advice and integrated environmental solutions to clients in both the public and private sectors. When you work with HEC, you can count on a reliable service for a competitive price. Before anything, we listen – taking the time to understand your needs and giving you our best understanding of the legislative requirements. The result is a cost-effective and practical design.

The HEC team specialises in soil and water management, on-site wastewater management and storm water management. We are qualified in environmental science and bushfire engineering, as well as drawing on experiences from when we were previously employed with the NSW Soil Conservation Service and roles with various councils and other environmental consulting groups.

Over the past 20 years, we have provided a service to almost 6000 clients. These include private homeowners, surveyors, architects, town planners, developers, land development consultants, councils and mining companies. HEC covers a lot of ground, consulting on projects throughout Western Sydney, the Southern Highlands, Illawarra, Shoalhaven and Far South Coast regions. The environmental management landscape – both literally and figuratively – is constantly changing, and it’s our 20+ years’ experience that allows us to assess all cases accurately and professionally.

About Us

Delivering expertise, advice and integrated environmental solutions to clients in both the public and private sector.

Call Harris Environmental
on 02 4236 0954
to discuss your project

Recent Projects

William Lawson Floating Wetland

Installation of a floating wetland 100m²

Lake Annan Floating Treatment Wetlands

Lake Annan algae control and water improvement

Campbelltown City Council Floating Wetland Trial

Trial the use of Floating Treatment Wetlands with Bird Protection Cages

Angus Creek Storm Water Harvesting

Manage and improve the water quality and aesthetics of the storm water collected from Angus Creek


Case Studies

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