This proposal involved a new house built in the new development near Apin.
Contact Harris Environmental Consulting for your on-site wastewater, stormwater, erosion & sediment control or bushfire assessment needs.
This client wanted to extend their existing dwelling, however, they had a river with trees (riparian corridor) 50 metres away on a slight downslope. This proposal was issued with a BAL 12.5, which is the lowest building attack level.
This client wanted to add a decking roof to their existing dwelling in suburban Kiama. The dwelling was located 18 metres from a public reserve with rainforest on a 10 degree downslope.
The proposal involved the building of a new house in this brand new development.
Parts of the property were mapped as bushfire prone, which meant that any development on this land requires bushfire assessment.
The proposed dwelling and granny flat both required bushfire assessments as the Building Code of Australia identifies both the house and the granny flat as classes of buildings that would require a 79 BA
As this proposal involves the subdivision of land for rural residential purposes, it requires an Integrated DA approval. This involves obtaining a Bushfire Safety Authority (BFSA) from the NSW Rural Fire Services (RFS).
This assessment involved the subdivision of one lot into 8 allotments. The subject lot was an old Pine Plantation which would be cleared for the development proposed. An existing dwelling existed on one of the proposed allotments.
This assessment was prepared for two proposed eco cabins.
The proposal involved the construction of a small private day surgery premise.
The proposal involved the clearing of all the land required for the residential development, roads and APZ.
The 34m2 floating wetland was positioned to surround half the island (2 x 4m x 4m) and placed as close as possible to the eroding bank to allow roots to bind into the submerged sediment and dampen the currents that are eroding the island.
Trial the use of Floating Treatment Wetlands with Bird Protection Cages
Manage and improve the water quality and aesthetics of the storm water collected from Angus Creek
Privately operated Sewage Treatment Plant servicing a roadside truck stop with a MacDonald’s Restaurant
For individual lots in proposed subdivision
Commercial developments like the one shown in the image, will require a Watercycle Management Study to demonstrate the required stormwater treatment. In the example shown storm water from the exterior hard stand surfaces needed to be treated by biotension basin, sediment basin and constructed wetlands. Where as the wash down water from the putresible waste management system required an anaerobic treatment system followed by constructed wetland.
A Water Cycle Management Study was prepared for a proposed prayer hall and cemetry with on-site wastewater management facilities.
This proposed decomposed granite quarry was within the Sydney Catchment and required a water cycle management study to demonstrate that the water quality would not be affected by the proposed development.
With limited soil depth and available land, this project needed an Aerated Water Treatment System and 4 sand mounds.
This required an on-site wastewater system incorporating a system design.
This Equestrian Centre with a residential dwelling and amenities for workers had been utilising a septic tank and trench, the system had failed and upgrade was needed.
The golf course was given unlimited access to secondary treated wastewater, but needed to make sure that stored wastewater, at a prime location within the golf course next to urban development.
Call Kate on 02 4236 0954
to discuss your project