There are certain requirements that must be met regarding bushfire. The RFS is consulted prior to exhibition and the department of planning and infrastructure (DoPI) determines compliance with the direction.
Contact Harris Environmental Consulting for your on-site wastewater, stormwater, erosion & sediment control or bushfire assessment needs.
There are certain requirements that must be met regarding bushfire. The RFS is consulted prior to exhibition and the department of planning and infrastructure (DoPI) determines compliance with the direction.
The Planning Principles for Rezoning to Residential Land in Bushfire Prone Areas are applied to the proposed development. These planning principles are listed on page 4 of the Planning for Bushfire Protection Guidelines, (NSW Rural Fire Service, 2006). This includes:
a) Access; does the site have provision for a perimeter road with two way access which delineates the extent of the intended development?
b) Asset Protection Zones; does the development have provision at the urban bushland interface for the establishment of adequate asset protection zones for future housing?
c) Minimum lot depths; what will be the minimum residential lot depth to accommodate asset protection zones for lots on perimeter roads?
d) Perimeter exposed to hazard; does the development minimise the area of developed land interfacing the hazard?
e) Inappropriate development in hazardous areas; are there any site specific controls needed to address development or placement of combustible materials?
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There are certain requirements that must be met regarding bushfire. The RFS is consulted prior to exhibition and the department of planning and infrastructure (DoPI) determines compliance with the direction.
The proposal involved the clearing of all the land required for the residential development, roads and APZ. After the clearing had been undertaken the main bushfire threat would have then been the forest in the three connecting drainage lines/riparian corridors which dissect the subject property. The drainage lines/riparian corridors containing the bushfire threat are characterized […]
We were asked to provide Bushfire Hazard Assessments for a unique farmstay in an 1890s train carriage. The carriage is surrounded by gum trees on the 280-acre property. Issues: Any proposals involving eco-tourism are considered particularly vulnerable during bushfires and are therefore required to meet some specific requirements.
This property was zoned RU1 Rural Landscape under the current Camden Local Environment Plan, and was proposed to be rezoned to R5 – Large Lot Residential. Indicative house lot layouts were identified in the assessment and it showed how the proposal can comply with bushfire protection requirements. Final details of landscaping and boundaries will be […]
This proposal involved a new house built in the new development near Apin. There wasn’t any bushfire vegetation hazard within 100 metres of the proposed dwelling. The BAL certificate identified that this proposal was BAL-LOW which means that the building did not require to comply with any BAL construction.